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DaoCloud Enterprise 5.0

DaoCloud Enterprise 5.0 has two versions for Community and Enterprise.

Currently, only offline packages are provided in the download center. For online installation methods, refer to Online Installation.

Download DCE 5.0 Community

This package is dedicated to the community and is available for free trial.

Filename Version Download Update Date
offline-community-v0.17.0-arm64.tar v0.17.0 ➡ Go to Download 2024-05-09
offline-community-v0.17.0-amd64.tar v0.17.0 ➡ Go to Download 2024-05-09

More Historical Versions

Download DCE 5.0 Enterprise

This package is suitable for private cloud, hybrid cloud, multicloud, microservices and other scenarios, providing a variety of customizable cloud native modules.

Filename Version Download Update Date
offline-v0.17.0-arm64.tar v0.17.0 ➡ Go to Download 2024-05-09
offline-v0.17.0-amd64.tar v0.17.0 ➡ Go to Download 2024-05-09

More Historical Versions

Download Addons

DCE 5.0 provides comprehensive Addons for different use cases, which can be downloaded and used as needed.

Filename Version Download Update Date
addon-offline-full-package-v0.17.0-arm64.tar.gz v0.17.0 ➡ Go to Download 2024-05-09
addon-offline-full-package-v0.17.0-amd64.tar.gz v0.17.0 ➡ Go to Download 2024-05-09

More Historical Versions

Download Modules

The numerous modules included in DCE 5.0 can be downloaded separately to upgrade each module on demand.

Modules File Size Download Update Date
Workbench 382.14 MB ➡ Go to Download 2024-05-06
Container Management 675.40 MB ➡ Go to Download 2024-06-04
Cluster Inspection 174.30 MB ➡ Go to Download 2024-01-02
Application Backup 59.40 MB ➡ Go to Download 2024-01-02
Security Management 167.29 MB ➡ Go to Download 2023-11-26
Network 64.03 MB ➡ Go to Download 2023-12-26
Storage 1.62 GB ➡ Go to Download 2023-11-06
MultiCloud Management 583.51 MB ➡ Go to Download 2024-04-24
Container Registry 304.16 MB ➡ Go to Download 2024-05-29
Insight 2.44 GB ➡ Go to Download 2024-05-06
Microservice Engine 1.66 GB ➡ Go to Download 2024-05-27
Service Mesh 1.03 GB ➡ Go to Download 2024-06-03
Cloud Edge Collaboration 100.37 MB ➡ Go to Download 2024-05-30
Global Management 507.40 MB ➡ Go to Download 2024-05-09
Operations Management 91.00 MB ➡ Go to Download 2024-04-30
Virtual Machine 1.43 GB ➡ Go to Download 2024-06-04

DCE 5.0 also provides a variety of selected middleware:

Modules File Size Download Update Date
Elasticsearch 979.12 MB ➡ Go to Download 2024-06-05
Kafka 984.11 MB ➡ Go to Download 2024-06-05
MinIO 220.66 MB ➡ Go to Download 2024-06-05
MongoDB 369.81 MB ➡ Go to Download 2024-06-05
MySQL 1.63 GB ➡ Go to Download 2024-06-05
PostgreSQL 1.46 GB ➡ Go to Download 2024-06-05
RabbitMQ 178.87 MB ➡ Go to Download 2024-06-05
Redis 603.20 MB ➡ Go to Download 2024-06-05
RocketMQ 593.20 MB ➡ Go to Download 2024-06-05


  • After upgrading the module, you may need to re-import the license and activate it.
  • DCE 5.0 is still in the early stage of release, and offline packages for various modules will be added gradually.
  • If you have any questions, provide feedback.
  • Welcome to scan the QR code to communicate with developers:

WeCom Group for DCE 5.0 Community

Install DCE 5.0 Free Trial
